Table of Contents
1 What is this script?
This is a script to generate RSS from social media websites like librarian, mastodon and teddit. I would like to analyze this code and give some of my thoughts about it.
2 Imports
Here are my imports for the script. The first one is very important because it imports TK so I actually have a GUI program. The second one is subprocess which I only use to run a basic shell command.
# Import all of tkinter GUI stuff from tkinter import * # Run shell commands import subprocess
3 Variables
These are a variables for how the TK is run. I have no clue how that works. Then I have a variable for the browser.
# Important variable root = Tk() browser = 'c:\\users\\stanl\\appData\\local\\bravesoftware\\brave-browser\\application\\brave.exe'
4 Name
This is the name of the program
# Name of window root.title("RSSgenerator")
5 Icon
I ended up not having a icon because it was dificult for users of the script to use the icon. Also icons are kinda bloat.
# Set the icon # root.iconbitmap('freedomerss.ico')
6 Window size
Here I say how big I want the the window to be when the app is ran.
# Window size root.geometry('650x650')
Colors are very cool. I just added a dark and classy background color so the user doesn't stare at a blaring WHITE.
# Color background_color = '#1A1919' root.configure(bg=background_color)
8 Label
This label is spawned in to show the user what the script is.
# Title properties title = Label(root, text="----- \n RSS Generator \n ----- ", bg=background_color, fg='#ffffff', font='20')
9 Title pack
This is important for actually putting the title on the screen.
# Place title on screen title.pack()
10 Help.
Users don't know how to use the program so this teaches them.
# Help info help_ = Label(root, text = "Instructions: \n Enter a freedom respecting social media: \n mastodon - Twitter alternative \n teddit - Reddit viewer \n librarian - LBRY viewer \n \n Now enter a link you want the RSS of and it will open in your browser. \n ----- ", bg = background_color, fg='#ffffff', font='20') # Place help info on screen help_.pack()
This does many things first is a label.
The label tells the user what the box they entering in does.
# Mastodon label label_mastodon = Label(root, text = "Put a Mastodon url:", bg = background_color, fg = '#ffffff', font='10') # Place mastodon label on screen label_mastodon.pack()
This is the actual entry box.
# MASTODON feild_mastodon = Entry(root, width=50) feild_mastodon.pack()
The button can run functions. With this I am able to get what the user inputs and print out a message that it was copied. I also store in a variable the new rss link value. Then using the tkinter tools I can copy stuff to the clipboard. Finally I use subprocess to launch the link in browser. This helps the user make sure the rss link is correct.
def click_mastodon(): new = feild_mastodon.get() + ".rss" myLabel = Label(root, text=feild_mastodon.get() + ".rss is copied!") myLabel.pack() # Copy to clipboard root.clipboard_clear() root.clipboard_append(new) # Run the browser variable with the new url arg. subprocess.Popen([browser, new]) button_mastodon = Button(root, text="Enter", command=click_mastodon) button_mastodon.pack()
I took all that code and copied pasted and substituted to the correct social media platform. i also put the specific text to get the rss of the given link.
# Nitter label label_nitter = Label(root, text = "Put a Nitter url:", bg = background_color, fg = '#ffffff', font='10') # Place nitter label on screen label_nitter.pack() # NITTER feild_nitter = Entry(root, width=50) feild_nitter.pack() def click_nitter(): new = feild_nitter.get() + "/rss" myLabel = Label(root, text=feild_nitter.get() + "/rss is copied!") myLabel.pack() # Copy to clipboard root.clipboard_clear() root.clipboard_append(new) # Run the browser variable with the new url arg. subprocess.Popen([browser, new]) button_nitter = Button(root, text="Enter", command=click_nitter) button_nitter.pack() # Librarian label label_librarian = Label(root, text = "Put a Librarian url:", bg = background_color, fg = '#ffffff', font='10') # Place librarian label on screen label_librarian.pack() # LIBRARIAN feild_librarian = Entry(root, width=50) feild_librarian.pack() def click_librarian(): new = feild_librarian.get() + "/rss" myLabel = Label(root, text=feild_librarian.get() + "/rss is copied!") myLabel.pack() # Copy to clipboard root.clipboard_clear() root.clipboard_append(new) # Run the browser variable with the new url arg. subprocess.Popen([browser, new]) button_librarian = Button(root, text="Enter", command=click_librarian) button_librarian.pack() # Teddit label label_teddit = Label(root, text = "Put a Teddit url:", bg = background_color, fg = '#ffffff', font='10') # Place teddit label on screen label_teddit.pack() # Teddit feild_teddit = Entry(root, width=50) feild_teddit.pack() def click_teddit(): new = feild_teddit.get() + "?api&type=rss" myLabel = Label(root, text=feild_teddit.get() + "?api&type=rss is copied!") myLabel.pack() # Copy to clipboard root.clipboard_clear() root.clipboard_append(new) # Run the browser variable with the new url arg. subprocess.Popen([browser, new]) button_teddit = Button(root, text="Enter", command=click_teddit) button_teddit.pack()
13 RUN
The final thing is to run the TK stuff.
# Run stuff root.mainloop()
14 Conclusion
I had a bunch of fun writing this script. I don't think it serves a purpose for many people. But I think it serves a purpose for myself in the off chance I want to add someone to my rss list.
I hope you learned something new. The script is available on my codeberg.